- A direct comparison of this method to segmentations derived from Freesurfer can be found in the document found here courtesy of Jason Stein. Additionally, other research comparing Freesurfer segmentations to FIRST segmentations is cited.
- As a reference, a series of protocols for manual segmentation can be found here: http://www.hippocampal-protocol.net/SOPs/index.php.
- A graph of the reliability and accuracy of Freesurfer delineated scans can be found here courtesy of Randy Buckner.
- A comparison of scan-rescan reliability for automated segmentation methods can be found here.
- A study of multi-center variability can be found here.
- Information on the correlation of segmentations via both FIRST and Freesurfer can be found here courtesy of David Glahn and Anderson Winkler.
- Correlation between Freesurfer and manual segmentation can be found here courtesy of Andy Saykin and Li Shen.
- Heritability estimates in QTwin sample found here courtesy of Narelle Hansell, Jason Stein, Margie Wright, and Paul Thompson.
- Heritability estimates for the GOBS study are provided by David Glahn. Estimated heritability for the hippocampus from 728 normal individuals in extended pedigrees:
For FreeSurfer the heritability for bilateral hippocampus was 0.779 (SE 0.07); left 0.800 (0.08); right 0.696 (0.08).
For FSL/First the heritability for bilateral hippocampus was 0.704 (SE 0.08); left 0.671 (0.08); right 0.657 (0.08).
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