European samples Inverse-variance weighted meta-analysis No genomic control Cohorts excluded: Brain Scale, NESDA, NTR Cohorts included: 1kBrains, ADNI1, ADNI2GO, ALSPAC, ASRB, BETULA, BIG, BIG_Psych, BONN, CARDIFF, DNS-V3, DNS-V4, EPIGEN, FBIRN, FOR2107, GIG, GSP, HUBIN, HUNT, IMAGEN, IMpACT, LBC1936, LIBD, MAS, MCIC, MooDS, MPIP, MUNSTER, NCNG, NEUROIMAGE, OATS, PAFIP, PDNZ, PING, PK, PPMI, QTIM, SHIP, SHIP-Trend, SYS, TCD-NUIG, TOP, TOP3T, Uio2016, Uio2017, UKBB, UMCU File names: wo = no global covariate wSA = regional surface area traits with total surface area included as a covariate wTHICK = regional thickness traits with average thickness included as a covariate mixed = included case-control (with affected status as a covariate) aand population samples Columns: SNP: RSID A1: Effect Allele A2: Other Allele FREQ1: Frequency of the effect allele BETA1: Unstandardised beta SE: Standard error P: P-value N: N MARKER: Marker name with truncated indels CHR: Chromosome BP: Base position