****************************************** ERRATUM ****************************************** An error was found in the published regional thickness results. Only regional thickness results that included UK BioBank were affected. The following erratum was requested on 23rd May 2020 In the research article "The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex" there was a formatting error in one of the phenotype files that was used to perform GWAS analyses within the UK Biobank cohort. The error only affected the regional cortical thickness imaging phenotypes in this cohort; the average cortical thickness was not affected by this error nor were the total or regional cortical surface area phenotypes. No other cohorts contributing to the meta-analysis were affected. This error has been corrected and the GWAS meta-analyses and all downstream analyses involving these measures have been rerun. In addition, in Table S5 the columns labelled 95% confidence intervals incorrectly contained 99% confidence intervals; this error has been corrected. These corrections do not change the main findings, biological interpretations, or conclusions of the paper. The manuscript text, figures and supplementary materials and summary statistics have been corrected. Corrected files include the date 20200522. Updated supplementary tables available on request from: katrina.grasby@qimrberghofer.edu.au sarah.medland@qimrberghofer.edu.au ****************************************** File nomenclature: ****************************************** mixed: included both population and case-control ascertained samples se: results are from an inverse-variance weighted meta-analysis wSA: Total Surface Area included as a covariate wTHICK: Average Thickness included as a covariate wo: without a global measure as a covariate ****************************************** Folder nomenclature: ****************************************** ENIGMA: results from the European cohorts (these were the principal results reported in Grasby et al, 2020) _Global: Total Surface Area, Average Thickness _withGlobal: Regions with global measure included as a covariate _withoutGlobal: Regions without the global covariate _noGC: without genomic control applied all_Ancestries: all cohorts e3_only: European cohorts without UK BioBank ****************************************** Columns ****************************************** SNP: RSID A1: Effect Allele A2: Other Allele FREQ1: Frequency of the effect allele BETA1: Unstandardised beta SE: Standard error P: P-value N: N MARKER: Marker name with truncated indels CHR: Chromosome BP: Base position